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Spreading doggo propaganda, Rorik best boi.





besto doggo , ♡


i loved it i can't wait for the update 

I loved Sidney the most


on god

sidney :3




Cant wait for a update


The fact that I changed "human" for goat/sheep every time since that is my fursona xD


Lmfao is that the hallway from the 

Bang theory


i love sidney


Or more days in the standard story


A suggestion: Maybe there could be an avatar editor to decide if you're a unknown animal or a human that came from other world/dimension (You can unlock it ending the standard story). And a story editor with some presets that you can use to do more animals, manage what they have to say, etc. This is just a suggestion, but i want it in the game :) 

Note perfectly that the whispers are in Spanish with Venezuelan accent xD. I like it

Deleted 209 days ago

sidney is best yeen boi

(1 edit) (+10)(-1)
Complete route of Sydney,
with the 10 points ♡♡♡

Day 1: Sidney's not even introduced yet, doesn't matter.

Day 2: Sidney starts at 1 point. When choosing to talk to Sidney at the beginning: "I'm nervous too" (2p) / "Sorry I'm not interesting" (3p)

Day 3: As far as I know, Sidney can't get points in this day.

Day 4: Get out of the apartment by the Fire Exit, so you can get to the forest. When in the forest, talk to Sidney: "We took your spot" (4p)

Day 5: When choosing who to help, choose to help Sidney (5p): "Lift the table with him" / "Help him in silence" (7p)

when we look for who to hide with, we go to Sidney, he will tell us that hiding with rorik would be the best, we accept and go with rorik, he makes us a comment about Sidney, and there we get the sgt point (8p)

When playing the lies game, make sure to select "He likes light coffee" for Sidney (9p).

Day 6: When on the park, choose "Spirits"  (10p)

AAAAND BUMM we get the to bonus scene with Sidney ♡♡♡

thanks i was trying to see how to get it

do you know how to get 10 points with rorik

I can't really change the name of the MC, I can't delete the original to put the new one, anyone can help with that?

Nevermind, it was just my keyboard app acting weird, I changed to the my phone's standard keyboard and it worked just fine

Ye that nothing happen but is awesome i wish he visits that place again


hey, i just finished the game and i need to say. The story is Awsome. i cant wait for a next update >-<


Rorik is best boy


"You jumped but ace couldnt catch you. You died lol"

HEY hey hEY woAH brother, my mAN, kindergarteners can survive a 4 story height! So can I! If im gonna die, at LEAST say "You landed on your head and broke your neck, so you suffocated"

Jokes aside, I love this game-

I normally avoid furry VNs. Not because I dont like furries, I'm literally a fursuit maker, but I'm always so worried it might be super over-the-top stereotypical "riske, 'OwO' furry"

But this- MM. Im LIVING for Ace and Dylan so far. Or I guess dying for them, because I jumped out of a window and probably framed bunny-boy for murder


I named the protagonist after myself thinking it was probably going to be gender neutral. Now everyone thinks I'm a dude, despite my incredibly feminine name. ;~;


hmmm its almost like this is a gay vn or smth idk tho prob not 

Yeah, Ik. I just didn't realize when I initially downloaded it. I just saw cute furry bois and pressed download.


i'm gonna get this shirt lol



So, i played this game for a while, but, the protagonist is being referred as he/him, is this a lgbt visual novel?




i miss sidney ;(




I don't know if it's my phone or the app, but when I download and try to install THH, it stops after a while and says "App not installed."

But I do play it on PC and HOH MAN I'm in love with it! The characters are all full of life and the story is interesting, making me come back for more!


So do the special scenes actually happen, or are they just fun moments that don't actually take place in the story?


I can't unlock any special clips from character can anyone help me find them pls


Tyler my beloved

Deleted post

No update yet. waap waaap waaaaaaaaaap


Does Sidney have a crush on the big orange dog or vice versa?

(1 edit)

where did this come from?


well, for one, they stick together a lot, and a bunch of bonus art I saw from this game on E6


well in a conversation, they said that they were best friends.

And btw,  you could probably find art of lucario fucking cade on E6 if ya look hard enough




First of all, let me see that this game is amazing, and the fact that it's not finished yet just goes to show that it's great at what it does. Characters are interesting, and they don't feel shoved into the game.

All of that said, how in the world does anyone unlock the Sidney image on the gallery? I spend like 3 hours resetting over and over trying to figure out how to get 10 points to no avail, always getting stuck on 9. Managed to see his extra scene, but the image just doesn't appear.

im also having trouble getting the sidney image no matter how many times i reset! also how do you get the point tracker?

I don't remember if I got it after beating the game, or if it was there from the beginning, but it's pretty much that big Points button on the top right.

As for Sidney's extra scene, this is what I have so far (WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!):




there two bonus scenes! So u have to get 10 points to unlock the second on which is where the image is

somehow i got the 10 points, at the time of hiding to surprise lars i went with sidney, and as he said, i better hide with rorik, then there he talks to me about sidney and that is where i got the point that i was missing, i hope you serve.


Is there an NSFW version of this?


Nah, the characters are too pure for this


too pure..



Is anyone having issues with installing the android version of the game? When I got to install the APK, I get an error about something going wrong and the APK being corrupt.

I am running Android 11 with the October 11th, 2021 Security Patch. My device is the Motorola Moto G Fast.

Thanks and I cant wait to play the game, it looks great!


Protect sydney at all cost, periodtt

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but there is a Mulan reference in here. Something about moving as "swift as a coursing river, with all the strength of a great typhoon."

Can't wait for the next update.
I hope Rorik is so great in every way that I really loved him.
He's so cute and he's not exaggerating, I feel like being protected by him

They're huge, but they're so beautiful

OMG, I completely forgot I added this into my collection! I can't wait to see the progress since!


Just noticed that nobody mentioned him, so I want to point out how wholesome and cute Ocean is

We only encounter him a few times but he's hella sweet everytime he meets us

Too bad there's no route for that lovely cop, I hope we'll see more of him in the next updates !


Hey, I'm just wondering, is the player's gender predetermined? Or is dialogue refering to the player kept gender neutral?


I'm pretty sure it's predetermined as male? Judging by a few characters reactions anyways

I just finished all the special little routes and I'm so happy Dylan is my favorite  I love his theme

are all of them aged between 20 or so?



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