The Human Heart v2.5! (The Reboot)

Hi welcome to The Human Heart version 2.5! (Complete Redo Update)
Hello! It is Leo here!
It has been two years of me not touching development on this game and I am completely doing it over from scratch!
Honestly it is because I prefer doing art over this project. Drawing is fun and I can do it in a day, and it helps me have a stable income, so I was focusing primarily on that for the time being... Putting this game on the indefinite backburner, because to be honest, I am not a writer or a programmer... I am not good at those two things and doing them gives me headaches sometimes lol. But yeah those are my excuses lol
Looking back on my game I noticed a lot that could be improved on... Mainly the graphics were very tiny, it worked for me when I was developing it because I had a smaller screen, but ever since getting a new larger monitor and all of those playthroughs of my game looked super blurry. Plus my art is something I keep improving upon and it is constantly changing to the point of when I see the old art I did for this game I think it looks horrible in comparison.
Another thing I noticed from other people playing was how I wrote, a lot of the dialogue was clunky, messy, and there was a lot of filler text I would use just to extend the day. Along with this some characters felt a little undercooked, The main character Hugh for example; A lot of his dialogue was the afformentioned filler text, mainly consisting of questions instead of indicating any actual personality, Dylan as well suffered from a lack of characterization, a lot of people attatched themselves to Cade because of his loving himbo energy, but I felt like his sidekick Dylan was severly lacking in his role as the geek, a lot of what I wrote for him didn't really give off a solid personality other than being the defacto leader, on the same note Tyler suffered from being liked by everyone, He was supposed to be the sheltered dork of the group, I could only describe his old personality being similar to that of Sidney's but people like Sidney more because he was sad and talked less lol.
So yeah those were my two main focuses for this do over;
• Better Looking Art
• Better Writing and Characterization
Drawing all the new assets were easy enough for me, as I mentioned above previosly, the hard part came in during the writing and the coding aspects of this, which is what I will blame for me taking so long on deciding to actually go through with the redo.
But nonetheless I powered through and finished Day 1 and Day 2, now they are the same story wise, but I've polished up the dialogue so it should flow better and allow the dialogue to establish all the characters new personalities!
I hope the new personalities are not too much for everyone, they may seem a little exaggerated but it just made much more sense than before.
Huge thanks to Sammuel08 and @ChowUrsane for helping me with my writing troubles, they laid out a lot of paths that helped the writing process easier!
Thanks as well to @ManelessBurr for helping me with some of the bulkier coding tasks that actually required code and not just renpy script, such as the entire Sprite Room and Gallery!
And as always thanks to @RJ_Kuns for the super cool intro music!
My Concerns:
• I think if you have the previous version installed it shouldn't override if you try to install this one? As far as I'm conserned this is an entirely new project altogether.
• I'm keeping the old versions up on the game page, as it is more complete with there being 6 days and since the story remains the same I want to keep it as an option.
• I don't have my computer right now, so unfortunately 2 in-game sprites still use the old version, they are not main characters though, so don't worry!
• Save files will not carry over, cuz I'm dum
• I think the main character is still a little bland in comparison to everyone else, but at least his dialogue isn't 80% questions any more lol
• I don't actually know if the iOS version works, be warned lol
This Update Includes:
• Fully reworked Day 1 and Day 2!
• Fully reworked dialogue and personalities!
• New Day 2 CG!
• Fully reworked Sprite and Image Gallery!
> If you play on mobile and there are images blocking the text box at the bottom, please reinstall, thank you!
> If characters on Day 2 keep calling you "Hugh" even though you typed a custom name, please reinstall.
> If game crashes on Day2 because of [Name], please reinstall
The Future:
I don't really know what will happen to the future of this game, but no matter how hard it is for me to work on I WILL NOT ABANDON THIS PROJECT!
Also if anyone wants knows how to make translations for a Repny game, please let me know!
Thank you for reading this lengthy-ass thing and I'm sorry I couldn't deliver something better within a two year span. I will understand and accept any and all criticism that comes my way.
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The Human Heart
A fish out of water, slice of life, dating sim about mammals.
Status | In development |
Author | Leo |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Bara, Furry, Gay |
More posts
- The Human Heart v2.6~Jan 25, 2024
- The Human Heart v2.4!Oct 29, 2021
- The Human Heart v2.3!Mar 31, 2021
- Focus PollJan 07, 2021
- The Human Heart v2.2!Dec 30, 2020
- The Human Heart v2.1Oct 13, 2020
- The Human Heart v.2.0Aug 29, 2020
- The Human Heart v.1.6Aug 03, 2020
- The Human Heart v.1.5Jul 22, 2020
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You keep changing things... its annoying... but its for GOOD reasons!
Wish even here you had made more dev logs just to let it be known here too what you were/been up to!
The first spites were rather flat, the second sprites were two dimensional, so now given them sprites to have full body language including turning the sides for more than just their heads, each is quite a leap on its own!
Glad to have default name option, is also feel like it fits in with the equal range of names of the others. (Each name seems to fit who they are, and its never about what they are)
To panic is normal, but don't look a gift bear in the mouth!
Thump... Thump! <3
After breaking the ice like that it would be rude to ignore him. Its all lies in how you choose to deal with a situation, the most important is establish a form of comfort and safety to restore rationality. Maple... I wonder where that one will lead... >/../>
This is why I do enjoy what writing you have, you know comedy, heartfelt comedy. Awkward comedy too! They are what I like the most!
First person panic, now third person panic! Its important to establish what it look like from both perspectives!
Hah! XD those aren't even humans! But in this place everything could be flipped! Granted a lot of these comics I only know by name, but just by knowing the references, the comedic factor might just blow the barn door off! XD
Unlike Cade Dylan comes off a bit weird strange, but very passionate. It makes me understand why people may be hesitant with me, even as I am not much different in ways than Dylan. Its all in knowing what I see, and knowing what others see. Weird/strange though does not mean bad, just different, and with that conclusion there is no reason to be rude.
Given how I treat my cats with a little too much affection, I'd be cautiously optimistic towards a live furry/beastman, fighting the urge to hug and squeeze!!!
I got to experience what having Covid is like, no amount of warmth can remove the chill and ache in your bones from it... fitting for me in a way since my sona can do that, yet illness still be prone to too! (I'm lucky to take health fairly seriously, let alone have a strong immune system despite having diabetes)
WOAH! THE MAP! its now a small town design instead of the former large village! Everything looks linked instead of spaced out! May your mole lord be wise! X3
Didn't realize, I mean never seen the dad he had! (Prior to this release)
Shesss new! They may have BMI, but they have muscle too!... They have muscle too right?...
I'm suspicious of the implications of this former tenant, its all too coinvent! Fur now the reasons elude!
Interesting that he mentions THOSE animals! hehe! Eat it, be grateful, but be careful! Tomato, metallic, almost like blood... Given possible reasons, best to let him remove the private stuff... I feel guilty for ever knowing the answers, but I'm used to embarrassing myself. ^^;
If I didn't already know the VN, I would respond with why, even if I think I know the answer.
NOW THAT IS A CG WORTHY OF THSI SCENE!!! I... I... oh gawd.... XD the chaos! but FRIENDLY chaos! XD Yep.. you totally have restyled everyone to be more fitting with their personality! For better or worse, but in this case respective to the viewers perspective! Any issues I have with it are of my own and no one else's! This is how it should be, looking and feeling natural. An exchange not a clash.
5 you mean 7 now? out of 7 , I think you mean 8 billion??? either way derp... way to go fuzzbutts! jeez too much to wake up to!!!
Same situation but different words used! I can't keep count of how many times I've the same thing (of a given topic) in different ways! @..@
Based on how things going this time around... Hyena, Bull, Dog, Rabbit, Cat, all base don how they acted/phrased their questions.... course this also a matter of personal preference too.
Sidney reminds me the most of how I felt in elementary school because of my autism without even understanding it or myself and my own ticks, I just sort of acted, but also that same reason for maturity beyond my years in other situations... I just can't seem to ever act my age...
Sorry Tyler... I can't cook... (but if I ever do I will gladly change my answer!, it may be a game but I must be truthful!)
Rorik, using his own logics against him, but the fact that uses logic to start with is why I like him! While I do know some Spanish, it hardly enough for me justifying even low level fluency... sorry Roro... and yes your overprotective demeanor is intimidating...
Ace.. boy you really like to HOP to conclusions eh? eh!? XD Sorry bro, a bit too laid back at his point in time.. frankly I'm surprised I'm still skinny... nope never had serious relationship either...
No lie to giving Lars more rich flair..., but it went from feeling humble to off putting..., BUT that could be the intention? Least for the first meeting here? As it seems like such a huge personality shift, must be a reason! I can't find much fault with it, so could also be a matter of me getting used to it too. Oh this is rough, while I don't subscribe to any particular religion, I do want to believe there is some sort of higher power, even if removed or detached, but also that there are many things out there that have no easy way to be tangibly seen, so I opt for there there being something in the stars. Another rough one.. while I do feel uncomfortable, I would respond with such a question too... Ugg I hate lack of clarity! but its not being serious, it can slide, for its then in fun instead.
(OMG Found the Easter egg! hehehe so cute! BOOP!)
Hrm... 13/14 just couldn't ACE it! ^^;
Biggest change is Lars, that is it, and its one I'm neutral on, don't like it, but have no reason to dislike it. My overall thoughts compared to any prior release have not changed at all better or worse. I'd say you are still doing fine!
This VN is filed with happy positive thoughts /spins on even negative things, something that I feel is sorely lacking from a lot of real life these days... that is because this VN is about HEART, about genuine caring and compassion, that is what I wish for for all.
Love this reboot so much! Played through it after revisiting the old version so I noticed a lot of the changes. My only concern was when I thought that you had written out the "a friend is just a stranger you haven't met" joke (my favorite one) but then it showed up in a later scene. The writing is also great, I love the foreshadowing and the fixing of problems and plot holes I never would have even noticed were there since my brain is just way too used to bad writing. Especially love the new character sprites, especially especially Tyler's, idk what you did to him that makes him look so goddamn cute but he immediately shot up to the top of my list the moment I saw his new look.
ALSO THE REVELATION THAT THERE ARE REVERSE FURRIES BRING SO MANY QUESTIONS OMG like do they have humansonas? Do Retsuko and Haida shoot lasers out of their eyes and possess souls in this universe? Considering what Tyler says about beasts vs. animals, is the MLP knockoff literally just MLP with absolutely no changes? Are there human characters outside of anime? IS DYLAN A REVERSE FURRY? DOES DYLAN LIKE THE MC BECAUSE HE'S A REVERSE FURRY? I need an answer to at least one of these questions because it would be so entertaining
this is all your fault, thank you
Are you going to keep updating the game every 2-3 months as before?
Never leave us again...
Will the revamped have NSFW stuff? Just curious.
Probably not because in the desc. of the VN it says SFW, so I doubt the creator will go back on their word.
The creator does do NSFW based stuff with the characters on his other accounts. But as far as translating it into the visual novel, now that would ultimately be his decision. While i would like for this to be nsfw down the line as everything is getting fleshed out, i also don't mind if it ends up staying sfw.
Im confused. How come it only goes up to day 2 on the new update? The OG game went further unless this is a completely seperate remake, and not just updating and reworking the original game
are people getting approved on discord? I did the verification and my message just got wiped lol
If you notice you have access to more channels, then yes you were approved, if not please retype it so we can actually verify, sorry.
the king is bac
Ive been waiting for ages.
This is a VN I like a lot because it reminded me of a bug game called Evolution, IDK why dont ask me. But the nostalgia hits hard.
I am going to give it a playthrough very soon!
WELCOME BAAAACK!!! Oh dang I am so excited!
I can’t find out where I can download the iOS version of the game although it’s in the “Files”. When I go to the download site, It disappeared.(Sorry for my bad English)
Oh sorry, people who downloaded it told me It wasn't working, so I removed it.
Even if there’s isn’t a big story difference/addition, I’m glad the game is back and running. Kinda though it wasn’t gonna get updates anymore but it’s good to know that you won’t be abandoning it, so to do now is wait for each masterpiece to appear.
Woo can’t wait to read this when I charger comes in
How's is it possible this is even cuter than before?